V2V Emergency Rescue thiab Charging Device
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  • V2V Emergency Rescue thiab Charging Device - 1 V2V Emergency Rescue thiab Charging Device - 1
  • V2V Emergency Rescue thiab Charging Device - 2 V2V Emergency Rescue thiab Charging Device - 2
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  • V2V Emergency Rescue thiab Charging Device - 4 V2V Emergency Rescue thiab Charging Device - 4
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V2V Emergency Rescue thiab Charging Device

Lub V2V cawm thaum muaj xwm txheej ceev thiab them nyiaj tuaj yeem them ob lub zog tshiab rau ib leeg, ua tiav lub zog hloov pauv. Lub zog tso zis ntawm lub cuab yeej yog 20kW, thiab lub charger haum rau 99% ntawm cov qauv tsheb. Cov cuab yeej tau nruab nrog GPS, uas tuaj yeem saib qhov chaw ntawm lub cuab yeej hauv lub sijhawm, thiab tuaj yeem siv rau hauv cov xwm txheej xws li kev them nyiaj cawm txoj kev.

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Product Description

Qhov zoo ntawm V2V Emergency Rescue thiab Charging Device

1. Txawb thiab nqa tau yooj yim: V2V cov cuab yeej cawm siav tuaj yeem nqa mus rau hauv lub tsheb thiab muab tso rau hauv lub tsheb lossis hauv lub cev, ua kom yooj yim siv txhua lub sijhawm.

2. Cov lus teb ceev ceev: thaum ib lub tsheb hluav taws xob khiav qis qis, lwm lub tsheb tuaj yeem teb sai thiab muab kev pabcuam thaum muaj xwm txheej ceev los ntawm V2V them nyiaj cawm lub cuab yeej kom tsis txhob muaj lub zog txaus ua rau lub tsheb txav tsis tau.

3. Versatility: V2V thaum muaj xwm ceev cawm ntaus ntawv tuaj yeem muab kev sib txuas them nrog 99% ntawm cov qauv tsheb tshiab hauv kev ua lag luam, haum rau ntau hom thiab cov qauv ntawm cov tsheb fais fab, nrog rau siab universality thiab adaptability.

4. Kev txuag hluav taws xob thiab txuag hluav taws xob: V2V cov cuab yeej cawm thaum muaj xwm txheej ceev tau txais kev siv hluav taws xob txuag hluav taws xob thiab txuag hluav taws xob, uas tuaj yeem ua kom muaj txiaj ntsig zoo ntawm kev siv ib lub tsheb hluav taws xob xa mus rau lwm tus, nrog kev hloov pauv tau zoo txog li 95%, txo cov hluav taws xob pov tseg thiab kev cuam tshuam ib puag ncig.

5. Kev sib txuas hauv Is Taws Nem: V2V cov cuab yeej cawm thaum muaj xwm txheej ceev tuaj yeem txuas nrog hauv Is Taws Nem kom paub txog lub sijhawm tiag tiag, kev saib xyuas thiab kev tswj hwm, txhawm rau pab txhawb cov neeg siv kom nkag siab txog nws cov xwm txheej.

6. Tsis xav tau kev them nyiaj ntxiv: tsis tas yuav tsum muaj cov roj teeb uas muaj zog ntxiv, nws yog qhov kev xaiv zoo tshaj plaws kom ua tiav kev them nyiaj ceev ceev ntawm lub tsheb fais fab.

Tsis muaj

V2V Emergency Rescue thiab Charging Device

Input voltage

DC 200V-1000V Cov

Rated zog

20 kWm

Output voltage

DC 200V-1000V Cov

Cov zis tam sim no


Hloov pauv tus nqi


Kev tiv thaiv muaj nuj nqi

Kev tiv thaiv over-temperature, over-voltage, over-current and short-circuit

Daim ntawv thov

V2V them thiab cawm rau lub zog tshiab tsheb

Hot Tags: V2V Emergency Rescue thiab Charging Device, Tuam Tshoj, Chaw tsim tshuaj paus, tsum, Hoobkas
Yam Qeb
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Thov koj xav tias dawb muab koj qhov kev nug hauv daim ntawv hauv qab no. Peb yuav teb koj hauv 24 teev.
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