Roj teeb pob Air Tightness Tester
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  • Roj teeb pob Air Tightness Tester - 1 Roj teeb pob Air Tightness Tester - 1
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  • Roj teeb pob Air Tightness Tester - 4 Roj teeb pob Air Tightness Tester - 4

Roj teeb pob Air Tightness Tester

Lub roj teeb pob cua nruj tester yog tsim tshwj xeeb rau kev muag khoom tom qab kev lag luam ntawm lub zog tshiab tsheb thiab haum rau kev ntsuas dej tsis zoo thiab huab cua nruj ntawm cov khoom xws li cov kav dej txias, roj teeb pob, thiab cov khoom seem ntawm cov tsheb tshiab. Nws yog portable thiab ntau yam thiab muaj peev xwm ua tau high-precision non-destructive xeem, xam cov kev hloov siab los ntawm lub tester lub siab rhiab heev sensing system, thiab yog li txiav txim siab huab cua nruj ntawm cov khoom.

Xa lus nug

Product Description

Qhov zoo

1. Nws tuaj yeem ua tiav qhov tseeb ntawm 0.02% FS, uas yog tsim rau ntau qhov kev xav tau thiab raug qhov xwm txheej thiab kev siv.

2. Android + capacitive npo, 16GB nco, 10-nti capacitive screen thiab ntau lub tswv yim tswj.

3. Nws tuaj yeem kho qhov siab. Thaum lub hom phiaj siab tus nqi yog cov tswv yim, thiab qhov kev hloov kho qhov tseeb yog nyob rau hauv ± 200Pa thiab qhov tseeb tsis siv neeg hloov siab tuaj yeem ua tiav.

4. Magnetic detection interface thiab ruaj khov muaj zog sib nqus qauv tuaj yeem tiv taus qhov hluav taws xob ntawm 600KPa.

5. Ntau yam kev sib txuas lus interfaces, xws li. built-in RS232 serial chaw nres nkoj, USB kev sib txuas lus interface, tuaj yeem txhawb ntau yam kev sib txuas lus.

Tsis muaj

Yam khoom

Roj teeb pob Air Tightness Tester

Kev xeem ntau yam

Tsis tshua muaj siab 0-10KPa, siab siab 0-500KPa

Kev daws teeb meem

1 pab

Kev ntsuas qhov tseeb

0.1% FS rau qhov tsis tshua muaj siab thiab siab siab

Kev ntsuas nruab nrab

Lim cua qhuav

Kev sib raug zoo


Kev tiv thaiv overvoltage

Yog lawm

Lub sijhawm ntsuas

Kho tau hauv 0-999s

Fais fab mov

AC220V, 50/60Hz

Test roj

Cov cua compressed 0.5-0.7MPa

Cov ntaub ntawv keeb kwm

10,000 pieces

Chav kawm tiv thaiv


Hot Tags: Roj teeb pob Air Tightness Tester, Tuam Tshoj, Chaw tsim tshuaj paus, chaw muag khoom, Hoobkas
Yam Qeb
Xa lus nug
Thov koj xav tias dawb muab koj qhov kev nug hauv daim ntawv hauv qab no. Peb yuav teb koj hauv 24 teev.
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